In July 2023, the Notarial College of Cataluña announced the first edition of the "Elías Campo Villegas Award" aimed at rewarding the best legal and journalistic articles related to the promotion and dissemination of alternative dispute resolution methods; particularly mediation, conciliation, and arbitration.
According to the information provided by the Notarial College of Cataluña, the award consists of two categories. On one hand, there is a doctrinal award for the best legal essays published in any journal, whether in print or digital format. On the other hand, there is a journalistic award for articles published in the press or in any digital format.
Regarding the judges, as stated in the press release, it will be composed of the Dean of the Notarial College of Cataluña, the Director of the Mediation and Conciliation Center of the Notarial College of Cataluña, the Director of Communication and External Relations of the Notarial College of Cataluña, the representatives of the Notarial College of Cataluña before the Barcelona Arbitration Court, and two members of the Board of Directors of the College.
The deadline for submitting articles is January 15, 2024. The winner of the award will receive a cash prize of €2,000 for each of the two categories.
The award is established to honor the memory and legacy of notary Elías Campo Villegas in the field of alternative dispute resolution.
Sources: Colegio Notarial de Cataluña (El Colegio Notarial de Cataluña convoca el “Premio Elías Campo Villegas” a los mejores artículos sobre resolución de conflictos”).